(In compliance with the technical regulations stated into the regional decree 4/2006 disciplining the first and second rain water matters. Art. 39 Del d.Lgs. 152/99 E art. 113 Del d.Lgs. 152/06).
Enforced laws
The regional regulation 4/2006 for the Lombardy region disciplined the separation, treatment, discharge of first and second rain water discharged by productive activities, thus enacting the proxy on the matter established by the art 39 of the d.Lgs. 152/99 and then the article 113 of the d.Lgs. 152/06.
the separation system established by this regulation indicates that the first rain water has to be firstly properly corrected by a suitable conduit network capable of collecting and conveying to the separation system only the water washed out from the parking lots, excluding the water coming from rain washing covers such as roofs, platform roofs and terraces).
the collection network has to convey water to the first and second rain water separation tanks which have to be completely watertight and with a volume of 50 cm for each hectare of draining surface, equal to the first rain water collection volume of 5 mm. for a run off time of 15 minutes for each raining event of one or more atmospheric precipitation (even separated between them) happening at at least 96 hour after a similar previous event.
The treatment tanks have to be equipped with a feeding system automatically leaves them out when filled, composed of a valve or sluice which is automatically shut by a device signalling the complete filling of the tank and thus allowing the discharge of the exceeding second rain water by the means of an overflow located into a relevant well upstream of the tank exclusion system.
the automatic valve or sluice has to be kept shut and prevent the feeding of the first rain water tank until the 96 hours from the last precipitation detected by the relevant rain electronic sensor.
The technical solution
The installation kit for first rain water RAIN+ has been designed and tested by EMS Water Technology and is the result of more than twenty years of experience in water treatment , especially rain water, with considerable national references.
The suggested system may be installed on both new and existent plants and has been designed to guarantee the outmost functioning safety and the least possible maintenance costs .
In particular, the first rain water separation kit RAIN+ suggested by EMS Water Technology is composed of the following parts:
- Automatic exclusion pneumatic flanged valve with sleeve DIN PN 10, made of aluminium alloy.
- Atmospheric precipitation detection sensor complete with support and anti-freeze heater.
- Electrical control and protection panel in a plastic watertight case , PLC funcioning logic and optic alarm device with flash lamp.
- Maximal and minimal level floating switches with variable asset.
- Electrical submersible pump suitable for pumping the discharge water in presence of raw maerials (optional)
- Discharged first rain water flow electromagnetic litre counter (optional).
- Set of pipes and electrical cables for the devices on site connection.
- Use and maintenance instructions manuals.
The plant functions following to a logic established on the current laws and regulations prescriptions and, in particular, the automatic valve is completely open during dry weather thus allowing to feed the storage and separation tank in case of atmospheric event .
When the filling is complete and detected by the relevant level switch, the valve shuts the flow to the tank and forces the exceeding second rain water to discharge into an overflow well located upstream of the system .
After 24 hours from the tank filling , the collected first rain water volume is emptied by the means of a lifting pump operating at constant flow until the minimal level is reached and detected by the floating level switch .
The rain detector, duly located with a supplied support, indicates the beginning and the end of the meteoric event activating the pneumatic valve shutting time for a preset time which has not to be less than 96 hours. When such time has elapsed ,the pneumatic valve opens automatically again and a new treatment cycle begins .
In case of another rain event during the pause time, the 96 hours calculation is reset . The program also carries out a specific safety check, widely tested also on other plants, verifying that the lifting pump has duly emptied the tank in a determined time and signalling the anomaly in case this has not happened to the control panel which will display a visual alarm.
the electronic panel may also be programmed by a remote GSM modem and can send alarm SMS to mobile devices.
The kit for first rain water plants EMS Water Technology series RAIN+ has the following advantages:
- Can be easily installed also in existent plants thanks the small dimensions of the automated pneumatic valve .
- Absence of floodable electrical and automatisms .
- Free water flow with total absence of obstructions.
- No particular need for maintenance works.
- Functioning safety and guarantee .
- Qualified technical support.
Il kit per impianti di prima pioggia EMS Water Technology serie RAIN+ presenta i seguenti vantaggi:
- Facilita’ di installazione anche in impianti esistenti grazie alle dimensioni contenute della valvola pneumatica.
- Assenza di parti elettriche e automatismi allagabili.
- Scorrimento delle acque libero in assoluta assenza di intasamento.
- Manutenzione praticamente nulla.
- Garanzia e sicurezza di funzionamento.
- Assistenza tecnica qualificata.

Pneumatic automatic shutoff valve

Sensor for rain detection

Protection and control electrical panel

Submersible electrical pump

First rain water flow litre counter

Level adjuster